Email and Postal Data: Helping you reach and engage physicians and other healthcare professionals

MedData Group’s HCP database consists of more than 1 million doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants helping you reach healthcare decision makers more quickly and effectively.

We help ensure the data you license for your database is customized to your needs using a variety of filters, including:

  • Email Address
  • Geography
  • NPI Number
  • Medical Specialties
  • Practice Size
  • Graduation Year
  • And much more! 

Our flexible, healthcare data services put the power of the data in your hands

With our on-premise model and collaborative, consultative approach, we can best support each client’s unique healthcare marketing needs. We recognize that accuracy, responsiveness and flexible access and delivery models are important in selecting a healthcare data solutions partner.

By using on-premise data, our clients control a high level of control and real-time insights into how their campaigns are performing.

Trusted by leading healthcare marketers 

MedData Group provides us high quality email data, which results in exceptional response rates. Their flexibility for data usage options and speed of delivery are extremely valuable to us in delivering on the wide range of direct marketing programs that we need to support. We plan to continue working with MedData to best meet the evolving direct marketing needs of our clients.’

Jose Ferreira, Associate Director, Customer Insights, Compas
